About Me

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Lot, France
Married to Lindsay for thirty four years and father of Matthew, Erin and Adam. Starting the next chapter of my life with Lindsay in south west France.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Foire d'arbres..........

Today saw the first plant fair of the season at St.Martial-Nabirat. The local Pepinieres set up stalls selling their young trees and shrubs.

Despite the rainy weather people from the surrounding villages still turned out to give their support, dragging away trees with huge root balls covered in hessian..........

then returning to mark their places for the" repas foire d'arbres "in the Salle de Fetes- a five course lunch with wine included for 20 euros.


  1. Gosh, that looks like fun, are they cheaper? And there's me, fast asleep all day, earning my pocket money for the trip, working a few shifts in the local hospital...

  2. What are you doing in the hospital?

  3. Do you have lots of plant fairs there???
