About Me

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Lot, France
Married to Lindsay for thirty four years and father of Matthew, Erin and Adam. Starting the next chapter of my life with Lindsay in south west France.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Time to relax again....

After a week embroiled in fiscal matters, including preparing a dossier for entry into the French health care system, it is good to be able to relax again. Having returned to desrevesinfrance I find that I have been tagged by Jude of cariadincrete. I have to find the sixth photograph in the sixth folder of My Pictures, publish it and write a story around it----could be embarassing! Here goes.....
hmmmm, well it could have been worse. Although Frederik ( he is the one standing up) must have been waving his hands when I took the photo! In the summer our French neighbours invited us to a mechui. This, we found out, was the roasting of a whole lamb on a spit- it was delicious, but not for the squeamish I think. There must have been forty people there. All but six of us were family members ranging from children to parents and grandparents and boyfriends and girlfriends. This is one of the wonderful things about this part of France, family is still all important and the love and respect shown is obvious for us to see, and more importantly, they are not afraid to show it openly----even the teenagers!


  1. Yum, love spit roast lamb. Same family ethics here, so friendly!
    Mmm, think I'll go look for a lamb chop.........

  2. Me again, have you seen a blog called 'french village life@blogspot.com'. Looks interesting.
