About Me

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Lot, France
Married to Lindsay for thirty four years and father of Matthew, Erin and Adam. Starting the next chapter of my life with Lindsay in south west France.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

April Showers.............

April showers are upon us this Easter weekend so it's back to the blog. After returning from London with un rhume and mal de gorge and then having friends visit, the blog has been neglected. John and Norma's visit was a 60th Birthday present for John and it was so nice to see them again. It is wonderful for us to see all of our friends so obviously relaxed when they are here and enjoying the peace and slow pace of life, we owe them so much. We try not to drag them around the countryside too much and instead enjoy each others company the way the French do..........drinking good wine, eating good food and catching up.
As you can see we did find time to get into the potager and plant the first pommes de terre. Although according to Monsieur Dauriac, our farmer neighbour, we are too early and the potatoes should not be planted until quinze Avril precisely! Whenever I ask him when I should be planting various veg he is never vague as to the time and always includes the day and not just the month. Local knowledge and experience is a great advantage.......I check the weather on the internet, I don't suppose Monsieur does but he is always right. I say to him it's forecast to rain tomorrow and after a significant pause he will say peut-etre or on verra but never no it's not and invariably it doesn't rain. Maybe one day I will be able to do that....I think not.


  1. Hoorah, thought you'd given up on blogging! Or I'd embarrassed myself so much you didn't want anything to do with me...joke!!
    Is that all your garden?
    We're still preparing but will be ready to plant soon
    Take care

  2. I am making a start with my potager, still harvesting oodles of purple sprouting broccoli!

    Glad to be back?

  3. yes that's our garden, the potager part anyway. More planting this week if weather gets better.
    Purple sprouting broccoli is definitely something I will be planting........got some from a friend last week and it was delicious. Glad to be back....yes.
